Getting Started
Install Mako
Install Mako via npm or pnpm.
$ npm i @umijs/mako -D
Then you can run Mako via npx.
$ npx mako -v
Your first bundle
Create a new directory and add a simple index.ts
$ mkdir my-app && cd my-app
$ mkdir src
$ echo "console.log('Hello Mako!')" > src/index.ts
Then run Mako to build the bundle.
$ npx mako build
Building with mako for development...
dist/index.js 7.04 kB │ map: 8.87 kB
✓ Built in 20ms
Finally, run the bundle to see the output.
$ node dist/index.js
Hello Mako!
Bundle with React
Or, you can checkout the codesandbox example.
Create a new Mako project with the following command.
$ npm create mako
Then cd into the project directory and run.
$ cd mako-project
$ npm run dev
Building with mako for development...
✓ Built in 101ms
Open the browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to see the output.
Finally, if you want to build the project for production, run the following command.
$ npm run build
Building with mako for production...
dist/index.js 144.68 kB │ map: 354.22 kB
✓ Built in 96ms
Bundle with Umi
If you are using Umi@3, please try to use the umi-plugin-mako plugin.
The latest Umi supports Mako out of the box. You can enable Mako in Umi project by setting the mako
field in the config file.
First, make sure you have umi@4.2.0 or above installed.
$ npx umi -v
Then, add the mako
field in your config file.
$ npx umi config set mako {}
Which will generate the following config in .umirc.ts
or config/config.ts
export default {
+ mako: {},
Now you can run the umi project with Mako.
$ umi build
info - [plugin: @umijs/preset-umi/dist/features/mako/mako] Using mako@0.4.15
warn - [plugin: @umijs/preset-umi/dist/features/mako/mako] Mako is an extremely fast, production-grade web bundler based on Rust. And it's still under active development and is not yet ready for production use. If you encounter any issues, please checkout to join the community and report the issue.
info - Umi v4.2.0
info - Preparing...
Building with mako for production...
dist/umi.css 0.07 kB │ map: 0.19 kB
dist/umi.js 696.36 kB │ map: 1.33 mB
✓ Built in 314ms
info - Memory Usage: 120.76 MB (RSS: 413.55 MB)
event - Build index.html